
The owners of this stunning coastal property in Sydney’s eastern suburbs wanted the highest quality in coordinated Swimming Pool and landscape design, in order to achieve a dramatic and innovative design solution for their compact, steep and complex site, as well as to add maximum value to their project. When they contacted us we were only too happy to assist.

The design of this project included for a Pool, Spa, Shade Structure plus paved poolside and  surrounding landscape areas at ground level, together with a Steam Room, Kitchenette, Bathroom and Filter Room discretely located beneath the pool area itself.

Based on a thorough understanding of the Clients’ brief, the existing site conditions and Council’s requirements, the first step was the creation of an overall Landscape Master Plan aimed at maximising the physical and visual connection between the existing residence, the proposed pool and the ocean views beyond. The design also had to address the tricky changes of level across the site. Initially our Clients couldn’t believe that everything that Peter Glass had suggested to them at the initial consultation/design workshop could actually fit into the small, steep space available - and the final results far exceeded their expectations.

This project stands out for many reasons, including the very attractive appearance of the Pool development from all levels of the home; the use of glass walling between the Pool and Spa as well as at the far end of the Pool; the large rainwater storage tank built into the Pool structure below the narrow Pool coping; the feature wall incorporating uplit mirrored niches, located adjacent to the Pool so as to screen out the neighbour’s garage and to provide privacy; the steel Shade Structure painted with a micaceous ‘Harbour Bridge’ paint for long term protection, and threaded with stainless steel wires to support a deciduous flowering vine over; the use of attractive accent plants, hardy enough to survive the strong salty winds and sandy soil; and the dramatic glass window between the Steam Room and the Pool. 

Even though it didn’t seem possible to incorporate so many facilities and so much useable space into such a small area, seeing is believing! In addition, the views of the Pool and landscaping, as well as the views from the Pool into the Steam Room, and from the Steam Room into the Pool, are extraordinary - especially at night!